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Only for Chartered Accountants


It’s unique approach

In a profession where numbers and deadlines often take precedence, we understand the need for a balanced approach to life. Our program offers a tailored fitness regimen designed to help you unlock your health potential. With options for prerecorded home workouts or gym workouts, we provide flexibility to fit your lifestyle. Whether your goal is fat loss, weight gain, or muscle building, our customized diet guidelines have you covered. “Countdown to Fitness” is not just about physical fitness; it’s a journey to achieve mental clarity, productivity, and healthier routines.

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Unlocking a Healthier 2024,
One Day at a Time

In the fast-paced world of Chartered Accountancy, balancing numbers and deadlines often takes a precedence over personal well-being. The ”Countdown to Fitness” program is here to change that narrative. This 60-days journey is tailor made for chartered accountants, helping you discover a healthier, more energized version of yourself.

Is this Ideal for you?

  • Busy Lifestyle: We understand your long hours and commitment to your clients. That’s why our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your routine.

  • Looking for Expert Guidance: Our team of certified fitness trainers and nutritionists will be with you every step of the way. You’ll have personalized support to ensure you’re on the right track.

  • Mind and Body Approach: We emphasize holistic wellness. Not only will you achieve physical fitness, but you’ll also experience mental clarity, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being.

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Tailored for your Goals

Workout | Nutrition | Beyond Fitness


Our program offers a range of workout options to cater to your needs and preferences. Choose from prerecorded home workouts for convenience or gym workouts for those with access to fitness facilities. If you prefer a self-guided approach, we also provide written workout plans with detailed instructions.


When it comes to diet, we understand that your goals are unique. Whether you’re aiming for fat loss, weight gain, or muscle building, our nutritionists provide personalized dietary recommendations and meal plans to support your fitness journey.


Our program goes beyond physical fitness to focus on mental well-being, productivity, and the establishment of healthier routines. Daily tasks promote a positive mindset, stress management, and productivity enhancement. We encourage you to build healthier daily routines, from sleep schedules to meal planning and regular exercise habits.

How to Enroll

Step 1

Fill the form

Step 2

Get onto the 1st Consultation call with Disha Methi Khandelwal (Head Instructor)

Step 3

Decide your start date

Step 4

Your journey to a healthier, more balanced life starts here.

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